Oahu Real Estate - Chapter 4 - The Motivation to Move
What prompted your decision to move has a lot to do with how you approach the plan and timeline to do so.
When relocation is purely a matter of personal choice, you have many advantages.
It is likely that you will have complete control of the schedule in its early phases, allowing you to research community options in great depth to ensure that fundamental wishes and desires are met.
You can be certain that the many cost of living criteria are covered as you are unhurried and can consider the multitude of financial options available to you.
Changes in family size drive a second motivation to move.
The kids are grown and the last has just moved away from home, the large house and the work required for its upkeep are no longer required or desired.
Or maybe, the family is growing and a new arrival is either on its way or being considered, more rooms and more space is on your mind.
The good news is, you still have time to think it through, at least for a short to medium frame of time.
What if it's not your choice?
There are many circumstances that require a move, and a fast move at that...
Unexpected job change requiring a place of employment beyond any reasonable commute from your current home, caring for family members, or a loss due to natural disaster are all real possibilities for many of us.
While the length of time for decision making under such circumstances is abbreviated and all sorts of emotions are pulling at you for attention, use the time you have wisely. The added stress of choosing too quickly and settling for a home that is clearly not a good fit, only heightens the level of pressure for everyone involved.
The common thread here is planning, as best you can with the time that you have available.
The less time that you have before a move occurs, the more help you will need.
An experienced relocation company, chambers of commerce, Human Resources teams when new employment is a part of the plan, and a Realtor will all help in making this move, the right move!