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Oahu Real Estate - Chapter 2 - Serving The Generations

This time in your life:

Generations seek out different home types and sizes as their needs and attentions change.

The massive number of Boomers and Gen Y's total more than half of our population today.

With each of those groups seeking boutique homes and neighborhoods; condominiums and walk-to communities are on the rise. These groups prefer the "care free" aspects that come with managed complexes, alleviating the need for yard work and much of the maintenance a free standing home requires, all with the proximity to shopping and entertainment often within walking distance.

This is not to say that suburban communities have lost their appeal altogether, not at all. In fact, many Gen X'ers as well as some of those from the aforementioned groups love the ideal of the classic home image; complete with a yard, garage, maybe a pool and even that white picket fence.

There is much that can be said in support of either selection, it is of course your preference and yours alone.

Your goal is to research the pros and cons of a home type, accepting that realities require conceding certain amenities or conveniences to ensure that the key qualities of your home environment are achieved.

Tip: Be honest with yourselves, create the list of pluses and minuses, "must have" and "would be nice" features. Can you truly sustain the long and tiresome commute to have that home in the country? Will you be fully satisfied not having a yard of your own where private gatherings are just steps from your house?

Is it better for you to rent or own?

What ever the answers, keep in mind the length of time you plan to live in the home.

Anthony Freda, CHA

Oahu Property Guide

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Anthony Freda


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