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Making the Move

Selling a house is one of the biggest complications that relocating homeowners face.

Paying two mortgages is daunting—and often not feasible—which leaves many in the challenging position of selling their current home while securing housing in their new city of employment.

Another challenge faced by two-income families: finding employment for the relocating employee’s spouse or partner, he adds. And if you have children, you’ll probably worry about their transition to the new environment, as well.

It’s extremely difficult to be 100% focused on your new job while dealing with all of the logistics of the move. You want to make great impressions on your new colleagues but everything is new and unfamiliar, so it takes working double time in the beginning to make it all work.

So, if you want to have a successful transition, here’s what you’ll need to do:

Stay organized. Much of moving related stress comes from managing all of the logistics, like leaving your current home, and finding a new one. Try to be very organized.

Keep to-do lists for both your departure and arrival locations so that you can stay on top of everything.

Know what’s available to you. Many companies offer a variety of relocation services and most are flexible in what they provide. Make sure you take the time to learn what’s available to you—and use it. For example, some companies will pay for things like house hunting trips, transportation of your cars, assistance in selling or buying your home, help figuring out how to rent out a property, and event organizers to settle you into your new home.

They might also be able to help your spouse with job placement or employment leads in your new city.

If your employer doesn’t typically offer relocation assistance, ask for it.

If you learn that assistance isn’t typically given, don’t be afraid to negotiate.

Start by researching moving costs (truck rentals, quotes from professional movers, transportation expenses, temporary housing, storage, etc.).

Having this supporting information is crucial to the success of your request. Also ask about preferred providers when it comes to relocation companies and real estate agents. Reimbursement for your relocation may be contingent upon the usage of designated professionals with whom your employer has established relationships.

Take time to get to know your new environment before you move. If you have the luxury of taking some time to explore your new area before arriving, do so. Explore the neighborhoods in the area to make sure that you find the best suited one for your lifestyle.

If you’re not able to visit the new city before you move, take the time talk to people that live there or used to live there, and get as much perspective as you can on what you’re walking into.

You should also read the local news or any local blogs to understand the vibe and learn what’s going in your new town.

Know the cost of living in the new city. There are significant differences in cost of living among US cities and states. Typically, these differences will be compensated for in your salary, but it’s still important to check. Do the research and plan accordingly.

Find out if any of your moving expenses are tax-deductible. Even if your new employer doesn’t offer any financial assistance for your relocation, you might be eligible for partial reimbursement come tax time, which can definitely ease some of your financial stress. (See IRS Tax Topic 455 for details on which expenses qualify.)

Generally, the moving tax deductions requirements are: the move must be because you started a new job; your new home must be at least 50 miles from your old home and your old job. (This is to prevent folks from simply moving across the street every time they changed jobs in a design to take advantage of the moving tax deduction.); and you must work full time for at least 39 weeks during the last 52 following your move. Self-employed movers need to work at least 78 weeks over the last 2 years to qualify.

Build a social support network. Use your friends to network to make new friends in the same way that you would try to network for a job.

Use online services like MeetUp and Facebook groups to find others in the area that have similar interests or hobbies. Your new company may also offer clubs and interest groups to meet new people. The faster you can build a support network, the more at home you will feel and the happier you will be with your decision to move.

Establishing a social network in your new town is going to make you feel more grounded and happy, which will allow you to perform better in your new job.


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Anthony Freda


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